剛剛去抽個小天使占卜卡, 看看他要給我什麼禮物.
我這星期的禮物是: 了解. (Understanding) 他註釋說: 了解不是來自書本, 而是來自生命的經驗.
我總是覺得我是個很有福氣的人, 我總會收到一些很棒的禮物.
Beloved LOveAngel
We do have wonderful gifts within our ownself - our body, feel, soul and even the Mind. Be yourself, and trust our feel and experiences along the path of life. In this world none but you, not even the God, do have better understanding and intimacy with all these gifts. Accept as what we were born with, they are here to accompany us dancing in this life ceremony. And be courageous to re-new and re-develop ownself moment to moment - as Master Osho mentioned - it's impossible to define a human as we have the ever-existing choice to accomplish whom/what we wish to be.
Let's love ourself and celebrate.
- Jul 26 Wed 2006 23:26